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gambling game是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gambling game



1.赌博 运动( Sports Game, SPT) 赌博( Gambling Game) 爱情( Love Game) ...


1.The type of COMT gene did not affect how much the men and women won on the gambling game - but it did affect how much they gave to charity.COMT基因的类型并不影响男性与女性在赌博游戏中能够赢多少——但是却会影响他们捐赠的多少。

2.As long as this original gambling game, game money can be used, there seems to be gambling a lot of villagers unchanged.原来只要有这种赌博电玩,游戏币就能使用,看来还有很多村民是赌性未改。

3.A gambling game in which the players bet on which slot of a rotating disk a small ball will come to rest in.轮盘赌一种赌者打赌转动盘上旋转的小球将停止于盘上哪一个槽内的赌博游戏。

4.Some owners see the law enforcement personnel, and also trying to hide gambling game.一些店主见到执法人员来了,还想把赌博电玩藏起来。

5.Although many villagers are deeply hurt, but gambling game were destroyed after the next occurrence of an unexpected, but the case.尽管很多村民都深受其害,可是赌博电玩被捣毁之后,接下来却发生了一个让人意想不到的情况。

6.the person in charge of the bank in a gambling game.在赌博中掌握庄家的赌本的人。

7.The findings came in a study involving a computer gambling game where participants had to choose between risky and safe options.这个发现是在一项实验中得出的,试验中安排了一个电脑赌博游戏,参与者必须做出一个选择,或是冒险的,或是保守的。

8.A previous study of the same gambling game in the population had shown that risk taking declines with age.以前用相同赌博游戏对人口进行的一项研究表明,冒险意识会随着年龄的增长而下降。

9.IS POKER "a gambling game, pure and simple" , as a judge in Louisiana called it in a much-cited 1910 judgment?1910年,一起路易斯安那州判决这样定义扑克:“一种赌博游戏,纯粹、简单的赌博游戏。”这一定义被广为引用。

10.Week, police were deployed in the small business station 38 times, placed in the collection of a small supermarket gambling game 21 units.一周时间内,小营派出所共出动警力38人次,收缴摆放在超市内的小型赌博电玩21台。
